About us
From Nature to Technology
ISP Optics is a Greek company founded in 2013. The company specialized in optics and today works in two main activity field:
We deal with materials transparent within broad transmission bands from ultraviolet to far infrared, starting from UV Fused Silica to Sapphire, Ge, Si, ZnS, ZnSe as Infrared materials.

Standard optical components (blanks, lens-generated blanks, windows, flats, discs, prisms, lenses, mirrors):
- Mass production
- Special production meeting specific requirements.
The company in particular specialized in the industrial inspection windows covering an IR band.
Thanks to a big experience, our team provides efficient advices and help for developing your projects. The company can also make specific developments on new materials upon request.
Today, Our products are distributed all over the world in scientific research laboratories and in the industry as well (TV/telecom, spectrophotometry, vision camera lenses, medical industry, etc...)

Standard optical components (blanks, lens-generated blanks, windows, flats, discs, prisms, lenses, mirrors):
- Mass production
- Special production meeting specific requirements.
The company in particular specialized in the industrial inspection windows covering an IR band.
Thanks to a big experience, our team provides efficient advices and help for developing your projects. The company can also make specific developments on new materials upon request.
Today, Our products are distributed all over the world in scientific research laboratories and in the industry as well (TV/telecom, spectrophotometry, vision camera lenses, medical industry, etc...)
Optical components

- spherical plano convex - spherical plano concave - spherical double convex - spherical double concave - cylindrical plano convex - cylindrical plano concave - meniscus
- beamsplitter flat/disc - dichroïc flat/disc - anti reflecting coating on flat/disc - attenuator
- reflection prisms - dispersing prisms
(with gold, silver, aluminium coating) - plane : disc, flat - concave - convex - spherical - cylindrical